Food Technology involves various aspects of science to develop and design innovative processing technologies, improve food quality and nutritive value, and enhance the safety, wholesomeness & availability of our food supply.It involves the study of the characteristics of food, its nutritional composition, reactions and changes at various processing and storage levels, and the microbiological aspect of food to prevent spoilage and enhance shelf life. Food scientists’ study new ingredients with better nutrition and health benefits, and develop new products or technologies to improve the shelf life of the product. A food technologist is not only involved in the food processing, but also in designing of the food plant and various equipment used in processing. He/she is also involved in the safety and regulatory aspects of the developed product, inspection, and accreditation of the food plant etc.
BSc (Hons) Food Technology and Quality Assurance is a four-year degree programme has been designed with the latest technological advances in the food industry. And it also develops communication, soft skills and overall abilities of students.
A pass in Plus Two or equivalent examination in Science stream with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology, Home Science with Physics, Chemistry and Biology, or Aquaculture with Chemistry and Biology/Mathematics as individual subjects of study.
Fundamentals of Food Technology
Food Spoilage
Food Engineering
Food Microbiology
Food Microbiology Practical
Critical Thinking, Academic Writing & Presentation
Basic Organic Chemistry
Animal Diversity: Chordata
Practical Complementary Chemistry- Volumetric Analysis (I & II SEM)
Practical Complementary Zoology-Animal Diversity: Non-Chordata & Chordata (I & II SEM)
Dairy Technology
Food Analytical Instrumentation
On-the-Job Industrial Training-I
Advanced Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
Human Physiology & Immunology
Principles of Food Spoilage & Preservation
Food Chemistry
Food Chemistry Practical
Advanced Bio-organic Chemistry
Applied Zoology (Aquaculture, Sericulture, Vermiculture & Apiculture)
Practical Complementary Chemistry- Organic Chemistry
Practical Complementary- Human Physiology & Immunology and Applied Zoology
Technology of Beverages & Confectionaries
Technology of Fruits & Vegetables
Cereal Chemistry
Sensory Evaluation of Food
Environmental Studies and Human Rights
Generic Elective
On-the-Job Industrial Training-II Internal evaluation
Food Safety & Quality Assurance
Technology of Meat, Fish & Poultry Products
Food Analysis
Food Analysis Practical
Choice Based Core Elective