A counseling cell for students is a dedicated space within educational institutions staffed by trained professionals, typically psychologists or counselors, who provide emotional support, guidance, and resources to students facing personal, academic, or social challenges. These cells offer a confidential and safe environment for students to discuss their concerns, receive advice, and develop coping strategies to navigate various issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, academic difficulties, career choices, and more. The counselors often conduct individual sessions, group therapy, workshops, and outreach programs to promote mental health and well-being among students. Additionally, they may collaborate with faculty, administrators, and other support services to ensure holistic support for students' overall development and success.


Providing Emotional Support: Offering a safe and confidential space for students to express their feelings, concerns, and struggles.Promoting

Mental Health: Educating students about mental health issues, reducing stigma, and fostering a culture of self-care and resilience.

Addressing Personal Challenges: Helping students cope with stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, grief, trauma, and other emotional difficulties.

Supporting Academic Success: Assisting students in overcoming academic challenges such as time management, study skills, test anxiety, and academic performance issues.

Facilitating Personal Growth: Supporting students in developing self-awareness, self-esteem, confidence, and interpersonal skills.

Offering Guidance and Resources: Providing information, guidance, and referrals to appropriate resources and services within the institution or community.

Preventing Crisis Situations: Identifying and intervening in situations that may escalate into crises, such as suicidal ideation, self-harm, substance abuse, or severe mental health issues.

Promoting Healthy Relationships: Offering counseling and workshops to help students navigate interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution, communication skills, and boundary setting.

Enhancing Resilience: Equipping students with coping strategies, stress management techniques, and resilience-building skills to better handle challenges and setbacks.

Convener : Mr. Ajith N S
Counsellor : Fr. Eldhomon Joy
Member : Mrs. Ancy Jojan